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Borne of traditional Korean medicine, Cera-Q is a new protein hydrolysate ingredient derived from a silk fibroin that has long been consumed for its range of health benefits. Cera-Q peptides attract and bind to β-sheet portions of other proteins (such as beta amyloid plaque). This can help prevent or disrupt amyloid plaque formation that affects human neuron membrane receptors and thus help support cognitive function.

Cera-Q also increases glucose uptake to memory/cognition brain areas, which may assist in better mental performance.

Comprising bioactive peptides with a unique amino acid profile, Cera-Q is backed by 10 human clinical trials and in vitro data, all of which demonstrate Cera-Q’s support of memory, learning, and general cognitive function across a wide range of ages, from children to the elderly. These published studies show significant results from a 3-4 week trial, demonstrating that Cera-Q is a powerful natural solution to help improve brain health at every age.

Cera-Q is one of the main ingredients in M1ND.


CERA-Q: About
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